Before and After: Roots Collective Hair Salon

It was early April and Addis Browne was taking a leap of faith by opening her own hair salon. She wasn’t just opening a salon in an existing salon building. This wasn’t some change of ownership ordeal. No. She was going to open her hair salon in an empty space on the second story of an old building in downtown Lincoln, Nebraska. I immediately fell in love with that goal.


This bold pursuit energized me and I reached out to Addis in order to offer her my interior design expertise. I wanted to be a part of this neat salon coming to downtown Lincoln. I worked on many renovation projects in the past where I helped give new life to old spaces so I knew it could be accomplished. I also knew that Addis had a knack for bold and colorful looks, so I wanted to help materialize her style into the interior design of the salon.

All professional photos taken by Nicolette Wagner with Life Unbound Photography.

All professional photos taken by Nicolette Wagner with Life Unbound Photography.

Before. April 2018.

Before. April 2018.

Before. April 2018.

Before. April 2018.



When I first met with Addis, I wanted to know all about her vision for the space. I loved listening to her describe her dream salon. I asked questions about her favorite colors, the clientele, timeline, budget and more. After gathering enough critical information, visiting the site, and gathering all necessary dimensions, I got to work designing a beautiful and functional space for Addis’s hair salon.


I began my first design approach by giving Addis everything she specifically asked for in a salon. It included the exposed brick, bright white walls, and the typical ‘coffee-shop-style’ interior design that we see so much of. She immediately loved it! I was pleased, but told her I had a couple of tricks up my sleeve. I asked her to bear with me and explore another design option that I created based off of the information I gathered about her personal style and her target clientele.


“I asked her to bear with me and explore another design option that I created based off of the information I gathered about her personal style and her target clientele.” - Tara Miller


This is when I let my talent shine through. This is when I delivered her with an interior design direction that took her wants and needs and elevated them to the next level. That is what an interior designer’s job is. It is my goal take the client’s wants and needs and turn it into an even more fabulous space than the client could have ever imagined on their own. It is my job as an interior designer to do that, and make sure that the space meets building code for life and human safety, fire and egress codes. (Basically- rest assured that your building will be safe.)


I showed her a design direction I created based on her vision for the salon but I added some specific things to make it stand apart from the rest. I suggested things like bright colored orange chairs, a large-scale bold wallpaper print for a statement wall right off the entry, I switched up her lighting with a knockout chandelier she hadn’t seen before, and I made the suggestion to keep the orange laminated ceiling beams ORANGE instead of cover up their raw beauty with white ceiling paint.


When Addis saw the elevated design that I created based on her other likes and interests, she loved it! I was over the moon excited because when my client’s are excited, I know that I have done the first part of my job well. From there we moved on to the second part of my job: Project Management. I helped Addis by providing a detailed list of where different lighting, furniture and accessory pieces could be purchased.

During the construction phase I draw floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, elevations and 3D renderings of the space. These drawings precisely communicate the client’s desires to the contractor and electrician. These detailed drawings leave little room for misinterpretation. I made finish specifications, furniture selections, lighting selections and so much more. We made it our goal to follow her budget and source as many local pieces as possible. Her salon features of mix of items found at Home and Closet Vintage, Craigslist and new products sourced both online and in store.


“We made it our goal to follow her budget and source as many local pieces as possible.” - Tara Miller

addis final floor plan.jpg

Before and After: Julia Mason Art Studio

When I heard the incredible news that Julia Mason was going to quit her full time job to follow her dreams, I was immediately inspired. When I found out that her new endeavor involved sprucing up a cute little shop to use as her retail storefront, I quickly offered my interior design services. To my amazement, she graciously accepted and we quickly got to work. I began the process with a secret inspiration board on Pinterest that I curated to fit Julia's aesthetic. 









At our first site visit, we discussed ways to freshen up the exterior with some simple paint options. I used Photoshop to show Julia different exterior paint colors and signage options. Julia showed me around the charming little studio and explained how she wanted it to function. She told me that she planned to use the space to display her work, sell her art, and work on current projects. She shared her love for natural wood finishes, her need for display, and that she wanted her art to be the focus of the space. She told me that the main design challenge within the space was how to address the two windows and a door that led to a different part of the building that the landlord owned. She mentioned that when people entered the space, their first comment was, "What is behind these windows and that door?" We did not want this to be the focus of the space. I took measurements of the space to draw a floor plan in CAD and quickly got to work.



AFTER - detail shot -

AFTER - detail shot -





I mentioned that we could utilize peg board to fit precisely within the trim of each window and door. Then customers could not see beyond the space, and we could utilize the peg board for product display. I shared my secret Pinterest board with Julia and showed her some bold statement walls that were covered in faux greenery and featured a neon sign hanging the middle of it all. Julia loved this look and utilized it as both a way to cover up the windows, and a way to showcase her work. Brilliant! We also incorporated an encouraging neon sign over the greenery of the second window. It reads, "DO WHAT YOU LOVE." This inspirational quote was spoken by Julia's father and it is a special personal touch within the space.


Julia told me that she wanted a streamlined look. It would be very clean and intentional. I was fully on board! I spoke with Julia about her process and the different types of artwork she produced. It became clear to me that this space would be primarily used in three different ways: to sell "LOCAL" art, to promote her "CUSTOM" capabilities, and to work on projects currently in "PROGRESS."  This simple understanding lent itself nicely to signage throughout the space. We achieved this when Julia hand-painted these three words onto separate pieces of wood, and mounted them in pre-selected areas in the studio. This not thoroughly explains how the space is laid out and what Julia is selling, but it also draws our eyes up towards Julia's high ceilings. 






It became clear to me that this space would be primarily used in three different ways: to sell LOCAL art, to promote her CUSTOM capabilities, and to work on projects currently in PROGRESS. "






In order to further connect with her customers, I suggested that we create a "sign in" area where people could put their names and e-mail addresses if they wanted to be kept up to date via Julia's e-mail newsletter. I sketched a simple sign in table made of natural plywood that fit into this little spot next to the stairs. This is a great spot to capture e-mails while customers peruse from the "CUSTOM" to the "LOCAL" display section of Julia's studio. (Check out those adorable totes too!)





The storefront windows flood the space with gorgeous amounts of natural light. I thought this would be the optimal spot for some seating and a little accent table. This snug seating area could be utilized for a one-on-one sit down meeting with a customer to discuss their custom art piece. The seating area lends itself to great conversation while being out of the  main circulation paths throughout the space. 





Initially, I pulled together a few seating and accent table options for Julia and I to work through. She landed on a stunning duo of pink metal chairs + a ceramic accent table. The accent table came in right away, but the original chairs got delayed for MONTHS. I love perusing through local shops and boutiques and luckily, I had just picked up a gem. This lovely chair was upholstered in a peachy/ pink vinyl and it had intricately carved bamboo wooden legs. It didn't work for the first spot I tried placing it at, but when I brought it to Julia's studio, I knew it was magic. It worked perfectly! HUGE shoutout to the great people at Starts With Vintage for helping me source these amazing pieces. Thank you so much! #supportlocal 





Left: Interior Designer Tara Miller with The Heartland. Right: Artist Julia Mason with Julia Mason Art.

Left: Interior Designer Tara Miller with The Heartland. Right: Artist Julia Mason with Julia Mason Art.

Floor plan drawn by Tara Miller at The Heartland Interior Design

Floor plan drawn by Tara Miller at The Heartland Interior Design

All photos by Nicolette Wagner with Life Unbound Photography.