Happy Hunting 06.21.2023

Spring has turned into summer and we’ve had garden fever lately. Tara started her first raised bed garden and is having fun watching seedlings grow into plants. Her son is having fun watering them (even if sometimes it turns into over-watering lol.) Tara purchased the copper name tags below so she could throw away the plant tags that come with the plants. Once the copper tags arrived, she wrote the name of the plant on the copper tag and it looks much better. Below is a roundup of super cute garden accessories that might add a little fun to your backyard garden. Enjoy!

Do gardening supplies and oven mitts go hand in hand? Haha not really, but it’s okay. Tara’s old oven mitt got burnt to a crisp and it’s time for a new one! That sparked the search for a new oven mitt that was cute and durable. Below are a few favorites. Click the image to be redirected to the vendors website. Which one is your favorite?

That’s all for this edition of Happy Hunting. Whenever we write a blog post about “Happy Hunting” we share links to fun items that have brough us joy lately. This could be furniture, fashion, home goods or anything that we’ve found inspiring. What do you want to see next? We’d love to know!