A Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer

“A Day in the Life…” is a video series that I’ve started because I want to highlight a few of the different jobs and industries throughout the Midwest. There are tons of people doing so many different things and I want to give them a platform to share what they love with others.

This video kicks off the series as we join a local dairy farmer and help him with his evening chores. The videos begins with an informal interview and towards the end we get a lot of hand's on experience. Enjoy!

This is one of the many ways of life that keep people busy in the Midwest. If you are interested in having your job, business or passion covered in your very own episode of "Day in the Life..." please reach out to tara@theheartlandshop.com . Thank you for watching! A special thank you to Clark & Schmidt Studios for making this episode a reality. See more of their incredible work here.